Hoo – 吼喔 – ho-oh

Houou – 吼喔 – ho-oh

Houou – 法王 – ほうおう– 鳳凰 – phoenix

Houou – 法王 – ほうおう– 法王 – Buddha

Houou – 法王 – ㄈㄚˇ ㄨㄤˊ – fa wang – Buddha


Hououhoo investigates and questions the boundaries formulated between dichotomies: text and image, verbal and perceptual. Identicality in pronunciation and difference in transliteration, or identicality in transliteration and divergence in meaning, the subtle constructs established are often neglected. Whether to fully grasp or at a complete loss, the possibilities of contemplation are all valid within the perception of emptiness.

The comprehension of the text and its association with the performance varies by the viewer.


我回家了 Enter the world of dust with all in mind. 今天外面雨好大 The cherry blossoms float in the air, 可我连伞都没带 wilting after the summer rains. 本以为今天晴天 Fern shoots gleam in the sun, 所以还戴了墨镜 dwindling in the autumn winds. 结果直接撞到树 Golden leaves fall through the windows of the pavilion. 树上有只鸟 I soar while all stops, 鸟有俩翅膀 a state of emptiness and above. 一身花衣裳 Taking off the colors of black, white, yellow, red, and blue, 其实我知道 and coated with the blessing 与其看着鸟 or curse of gold. 不如多看道 The brightness of my feathers fails to capture the purity of the sun, 可我想看鸟 unable to cleanse the minds of filth. 我静坐在家里面 The monk and the other monk. 脑里还想着刚才 This one is good, or that one is bad? 我还是有点烦恼 Holding wine glasses in the girl’s hands, 全都因为那只鸟 or sending out in wagons through the gate. 但我突然意识到 Pictures of flesh blocks the eye of enlightenment, 我其实无法知晓 far from the ways of the Buddha. 树上停着那只鸟 Or is it the Devil-Buddha desire. 到底是只什么鸟 Lost and gone along his path, 反正头顶没有长犄角 pleasures from the purity of youth. 突然有点冷 Sweating in dreams, 我也有点累 is he lost in the ways of the mountain? 其实有点饿 or in meeting Yama? 还是先吃面 Let fear of those who punish you not astray you. 好像其实是我忘记关窗户了 Born with this but given that. 算了无所谓先透透风 Which one did he abandon? 不过没有把花吹倒掉地上吧 Did he eventually fall into the depth of the trench? 花那么美风不会愿意吹它的 The beauty of the pavilion blinds his eyes, 反正就当作下雨浇了花 grasping for a drop of water, 也没所谓再买就好 yet the thirst was never quenched. 反正也不会特别贵 Jealousy, hatred, or desire. 好想天气快点暖和起来 Strolling around the garden, 不过这样吃面喝汤就会太热 lost between inside and outside. 有可能还是雨天雪天适合煮面 Feathers or snow, 我都逐渐有点忘记了 melting in the pond 家那边下雨下雪的模样 but mirroring all deeds. 有一点点想念 Whiteness replaces the glory of the pavilion, 银装素裹 I witness all wonders. 我煮的这碗面 The pureness 好像是有点咸 of the monk or of the cat 是放了太多盐 then fades away from the realm of the pavilion, 还是我不吃咸 revealing the dirt hidden beneath. 想想是什么原因 Behold the teaching of the Buddha, 吃个面也好麻烦 bloom like the cherry blossoms in spring. 我怎么这么多变 Though meant to drift away, 吃个面都不开心 it brings pleasure and delight. 诶呀不行好迷茫 The pavilion has no mind but he has a mind. 怎么就变成这样 The cloud flounders upon the trees. 算了先不要想了 Leaves whirling, green and gold. 觉得自己好搞笑 Smiling hysterically, 怎么能想这么多 delusional or desirable. 吃个面都能头疼 Putting down the book of the Buddha, 我记得还有叉烧 and holding up the torch of desire. 啊怎么煮面的时候忘记放了 Did he hesitate before his decision? 没事要原谅自己 Will he be forgiven with his final repent? 反正只有我知道 I shall not tell those who ask, 面里面没有叉烧 the answer holds within the realms of Buddhahood. 要不然 The time is now, 我再去烧个菜 flames consuming over the gleaming gold. 想忘掉自己没放叉烧 What may be lost in the pavilion, 放过自己吧 and what may be remembered. 不要渴求这么多 All adds to the scale of life and karma. 吃着这碗面 Am I free from the solitude? 就应该知足 or shall I fly back to the top. 静下心来 I may have fallen, 不被遣使 yet I once again follow down the path of the Arhat. 一切还好 Emerging from the ashes, 我侧耳倾听 sparkles of relic. 窗外风停了 The ways of virtue and grace, 雨也变小了 I hide them under the thick layer of gold. 我默默想起 Never forgotten 好久没联系 Benevolence, loyalty, knowledge, faithfulness, propriety. 那个他和他 When her secrets are found out, 也已经放下 he’s killed. 鱼行酒肆 I see myself lost in the roads through the mountain, 奈何良人 and reaching for water down the depth of the trench. 雨水袭香 Maybe I have found the withering beauty 忽逢樱花 in cherry blossoms 芳草淑风 and fern shoots hidden behind the bushes 硕果累累 or fruits when you look above your head. 衣锦还乡 Come back to Kinkaku-ji 梦魂归处 and see what you have forgotten here. 只觉谁与共 When you stand far enough 林深清浅月有阴 alone amongst the trees 照镜明 along the Kyōko-chi, 云上为谁攀 I soar above all desires.