Pairs of Pears, 2021.

Installation View


Pairs of Pears scrutinizes the innate tendency for differentiation. 

The placement of negation between comparison and differentiation is central to the investigation of a purported essence: the result of differentiation; the benefits of non-differentiation versus differentiation to the human mind; the extent of differentiation; the directness of differentiation towards grasping the essence of being (or to be understood as “is learning then unlearning better than immediate learning the essence?”).


Pairs of Pairs, 2021.

Multi-channel Video


One Pair of Pears: Form One (梨们:形一), 2021.


H. 33 × W. 45 × D. 7 cm

Two Pairs of Pears: Image One (梨们:图一), 2021.


H. 43 × W. 43 × D. 15 cm

Three Pairs of Pears: Context One (梨们:境一), 2021.


H. 15 × W. 18 × D. 9 cm

One Pair of Pears: Form Two (梨们:形二), 2021.


H. 80 × W. 110 × D. 70 cm

Two Pairs of Pears: Image Two (梨们:图二), 2021.


H. 116 × W. 69 × D. 95 cm

Three Pairs of Pears: Context Two (梨们:境二), 2021.


H. 250 × W. 70 × D. 90 cm


By joining scientific and artistic means, the project prompts the audience to consider their own perception of each object and experience of separation and comparison, as both the tangible aspect of the pieces and the digital representation of the brainwaves are subject to scrutiny. (For the following passage, “audience” refers to the general mass viewing the piece, whereas “viewer” refers to the subject whose brainwaves are measured.) 

Obtained through EEG tests, brainwave activities are recorded of the viewer while observing each piece of sculpture. The concluding video configures the individual brainwave recordings together according to the pairing of each two pieces, accompanied by notes written down during each viewing by the viewer.

As the audiences’ varied backgrounds diversify the comprehension of the outcome, brainwaves can be interpreted throughout a spectrum of neurological and pictographic perspectives. The observation of when the brainwaves demonstrate fluctuations while simultaneously regarding the viewing notes renders dominant significance since the audience should not be required to make professional, scientific readings of neurological data to comprehend the project. 

The video compiles all aspects of the project into a cohesive experience encompassing a triad of expression: meaning, image, and words. The “image” in Pairs of Pears encompasses both the pictures captured of the sculptures and the digital portrayal of thinking in brainwaves, as both can be read pictographically. The meaning is intended to exist throughout every aspect; nonetheless, as image unavoidably constricts portions of ambiguity from meaning, and words being further constraining, the project hopes to enable the most proximity towards a central meaning, originating from the project and extending towards art as a whole, through a combination of mediums.